Cereti Detalii
  • Cod produs: PMB0331-10000S
  • Producător: Netgear
  • Categorie: Service
  • Aparut din: 14.04.2016
  • Garanție: Maxim 5 ani

Netgear PMB0331-10000S

Netgear ProSUPPORT, 3 An(i), 7x24, FS105 FS108/P FS116 FS116P FS726T FS526Tv2 FS726TP FS728TLP FS728TP FS728TS FS750T2 FS752TP FS752TS

56514 LEI cu TVA
47491  LEI 9360 10462 $
fără TVA
STOC ACTUAL: 100 - Rezervati produs

Cumpărați de inca 434.86 lei si transportul este GRATUIT, sau:

  • Livrare in 1-2 zile lucrătoare :
    89 LEI + 7euro / KG
  • Livrare estimata 3-5 zile lucrătoare : 39 LEI
  • Livrare in 15 zile lucratoare : 0 LEI

Comandati telefonic si prin email:

  • Telefon: 073 555 0001
  • Email:

* Comanda minima initiala este de 1000 de EURO fara TVA.
* Verasys se adreseaza exclusiv persoanelor juridice cu capital privat sau de stat.
* Toate produsele prezentate pe site au garanția oferita de producător sau furnizor.
* Informatiile pot contine mici inadvertente, unele specificaţii sau preţul, pot fi modificate de catre producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare.
* Poza produsului are caracter informativ.



Descriere Netgear PMB0331-10000S

Netgear ProSUPPORT. Numărul de ani: 3 An(i), Serviciul de timp (zile x ore): 7x24, Compatibilitate: FS105 FS108/P FS116 FS116P FS726T FS526Tv2 FS726TP FS728TLP FS728TP FS728TS FS750T2 FS752TP FS752TS

The NETGEAR ProSUPPORT offerings provide you with peace of mind by extending and enhancing the standard warranty coverage included with your product purchase. With ProSUPPORT, you get direct access to NETGEAR technical support engineers and the backup resources who can rapidly resolve critical technical issues. Moreover, the onsite hardware replacement option, with next business day labor onsite, provides you with a cost-effective way to maintain your network and storage systems.The NETGEAR Support network spans the globe with local support in over 26 countries. NETGEAR Support Centers provide technical support in 16 different languages with English speaking support staff available 24x7 in North America, Australia, and major European countries. Backed by NETGEAR R&D engineering, our technical support engineers have the proven expertise to quickly resolve even the most challenging technical problems.OnCall 24x7 extends the 90-day warranty entitled technical support (phone and email) for standard and advanced features to the length of the contract term.

Specificații tehnice Netgear PMB0331-10000S

Numărul de ani 3 An(i)
Serviciul de timp (zile x ore) 7x24
Suport prin telefon Da
Compatibilitate FS105\nFS108/P\nFS116\nFS116P\nFS726T\nFS526Tv2\nFS726TP\nFS728TLP\nFS728TP\nFS728TS\nFS750T2\nFS752TP\nFS752TS\nFVG318\nFVS318\nFVS318Gv2\nFVS318N\nFVS336G\nGS105/E/PE\nGS108E/P/PE\nGS108T\nGS110TP\nGS116\nGS116E\nGS116Ev2\nGS408EPP\nGS510TP\nGS716T\nGS5

* Specificațiile tehnice si descrierile pot fi modificate fără preaviz de către producător.

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