- Cod produs: 4870-09900-606
- Producător: Polycom
- Categorie: 3-Year Subscription
- Aparut din: 05.07.2017
- Garanție: Maxim 5 ani
Polycom 4870-09900-606
- Pret lista VRS: 1.10976 LEI
- Discount: 11098 LEI (-10%)
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Descriere furnizor
RealConnect for Office 365. Enterprise User License, 500-999 licenses. Pre-paid 3yr plan effective on service commitment. Service includes premier support. No cancellation or reduction of the plan or scope allowed
Produse din aceeași categorie
Polycom 4870-09900-606
RealConnect for Office 365. Enterprise User License, 500-999 licenses. Pre-paid 3yr plan effective on service commitment. Service includes premier support. No cancellation or reduction of the plan or scope allowed- Cod: 4870-09900-606
- Producător: Polycom
- Categorie: 3-Year Subscription
- Stoc: La comanda
99878 LEI cu TVA83931 LEI 166 181$ fără TVADiscount: -11098 LEI -
Polycom 4870-09900-605
RealConnect for Office 365. Enterprise User License, 1-499 licenses. Pre-paid 3yr plan effective on service commitment. Service includes premier support. No cancellation or reduction of the plan or scope allowed- Cod: 4870-09900-605
- Producător: Polycom
- Categorie: 3-Year Subscription
- Stoc: La comanda
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Polycom 4870-09900-607
RealConnect for Office 365. Enterprise User License, 1000-1999 licenses. Pre-paid 3yr plan effective on service commitment. Service includes premier support. No cancellation or reduction of the plan or scope allowed- Cod: 4870-09900-607
- Producător: Polycom
- Categorie: 3-Year Subscription
- Stoc: La comanda
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RealConnect for Office 365. Enterprise User License, 2000-2999 licenses. Pre-paid 3yr plan effective on service commitment. Service includes premier support. No cancellation or reduction of the plan or scope allowed- Cod: 4870-09900-608
- Producător: Polycom
- Categorie: 3-Year Subscription
- Stoc: La comanda
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RealConnect for Office 365. Enterprise User License, 3000-3999 licenses. Pre-paid 3yr plan effective on service commitment. Service includes premier support. No cancellation or reduction of the plan or scope allowed- Cod: 4870-09900-613
- Producător: Polycom
- Categorie: 3-Year Subscription
- Stoc: La comanda
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RealConnect for Office 365. Enterprise User License, 4000-4999 licenses. Pre-paid 3yr plan effective on service commitment. Service includes premier support. No cancellation or reduction of the plan or scope allowed- Cod: 4870-09900-614
- Producător: Polycom
- Categorie: 3-Year Subscription
- Stoc: La comanda
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