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Hewlett Packard Enterprise Aruba 5Y FC 24x7 ClearPass OB 100K SVC, 5 An(i), 7x24, ClearPass OB 100K

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Descriere HPE H2XF0E

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Aruba 5Y FC 24x7 ClearPass OB 100K SVC. Numărul de ani: 5 An(i), Serviciul de timp (zile x ore): 7x24, Produse compatibile: ClearPass OB 100K

HPE Foundation Care ServicesSupport for HPE servers, storage and networking hardware and software Today’s IT environment is complex and administrators are pulled in many directions. With HPE Foundation Care, you can simplify your day-to-day system support experience. Meet your availability commitments with a variety of coverage levels and response times, connect to HPE for faster problem resolution, and get back to business.Get help from a variety of HPE expertsHardware and software support is provided for both HPE and third party products. Services are delivered by trained engineers as well as our network of trained HPE ServiceOne partners.Make HPE your first call for helpWith HPE Foundation Care, you’ll have access to HPE experts via phone, web, or both. You’ll receive problem diagnosis and support, replacement parts and materials, access to firmware and software updates, and collaborative support on leading third party operating systems for x86 hardware.Choose the service that’s right for youSimple, standard service levels make it easy for you to determine the right level of hardware and software support coverage for your service-level agreement and budgetary requirements.

Specificații tehnice HPE H2XF0E

Numărul de ani 5 An(i)
Serviciul de timp (zile x ore) 7x24
Produse compatibile ClearPass OB 100K

* Specificațiile tehnice si descrierile pot fi modificate fără preaviz de către producător.

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