Cereti Detalii
  • Cod produs: JG850A
  • Producător: HPE
  • Categorie: HPN dc ToR Switches
  • Aparut din: 20.04.2015
  • Garanție: Maxim 5 ani


Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5900AF 48XGT 4QSFP FB Bundle, Managed network switch, L3, 10G Ethernet (100/1000/10000), RJ-45, 10GBASE-T,1000BASE-T, IEEE 802.3ab,IEEE 802.3an

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Descriere HPE JG850A

Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5900AF 48XGT 4QSFP FB Bundle. De tip Switch: Managed network switch, Strat Switch: L3. Tip de porturi Ethernet Basic switching RJ-45: 10G Ethernet (100/1000/10000), Port consolă: RJ-45, Tehnologie de cablare fibră cupru: 10GBASE-T,1000BASE-T. Reţea standard: IEEE 802.3ab,IEEE 802.3an. Mărimea tabelei de adresare: 128000 intrari, Capacitatea de comutare: 1280 Gbit/s, Rată de transfer: 952 Mpps. Culoarea produsului: Gri, Factorul de formă: 1U

The HPE 5900 Switch Series are low-latency 1/10GbE data center top-of-rack (ToR) switches. Perfect for deployment at server access layer in large and medium sized enterprises. These switches may also be used in campus core/distribution layers where higher performance 40GbE connectivity is required with 10GbE links. Virtualized applications and server-to-server traffic require ToR switches that meet the needs for higher-performance server connectivity, convergence, virtual environment support, and low-latency. Optional Intelligent Management Center (IMC) Software Platform for network management.What's new- High 1/10GbE port density and low latency for demanding applications.- 10/100/1000/10000BASE-T and fiber support for data center deployments.- IRF support of nine switches simplifies management by up to 88%.- OpenFlow and SDN automate manual tasks and speed service delivery.FeaturesUltra-low-latency and Wire Speed for Demanding Applications- The HPE FlexFabric 5900 Switch Series provides high density 10/100/1000/10000BASE-T, or fiber ports for high-performance and flexible deployments.- All ports support full L2/L3 features, IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, OpenFlow and TRILL for high scalability and Software-defined Network (SDN) support.- Intelligent Resilient Fabric (IRF) for simpler management, faster re-convergence and business agility.High-Performance Data Center Switching- The HPE FlexFabric 5900 Switch Series delivers 1.28 Tbps switching capacity for the most demanding applications.- Supports up to 952 MPPS throughput for data intensive environments.- Low latency, under a 1.5 us 10GbE latency, provides increased performance.- Four 40GbE QSFP+ ports for blazing fast uplinks.Business Agility and Resilience with Comware 7- The HPE FlexFabric 5900 Switch Series delivers IRF < 50 msec convergence time enabling faster application response times.- In Service Software Update (ISSU) enables high availability with updates accomplished without a reboot or power cycle, in the background.Simplicity and Lower TCO- The HPE FlexFabric 5900 Switch Series simplifies switch management by up to 88% with IRF.- No extra hidden cost with simple one license per switch for all OS features.- All switch ports are active and ready to use without need for activation licenses.- Automate tedious tasks with SDN and reclaim wasted resources.

Specificații tehnice HPE JG850A

Număr de porturi Ethernet Basic switching RJ-45 48
Tip de porturi Ethernet Basic switching RJ-45 10G Ethernet (100/1000/10000)
QSFP+ module slots quantity 4
Port consolă RJ-45
Tehnologie de cablare fibră cupru 10GBASE-T,1000BASE-T
Cantitate porturi USB 2.0 1
Lărgime 439,9 milimetri
Adâncime 659,9 milimetri
Înălţime 43,7 milimetri
Greutate 13 kilograme
Puterea consumată 260 W
Tensiune AC intrare 100-240 V
Frecvență de intrare AC 50/60 Hz
Interval de temperatură de funcţionare (T-T) 0 - 40 °C
Interval relativ operaţional de umiditate 10 - 90%
Reţea standard IEEE 802.3ab,IEEE 802.3an
Suport 10G Da
Sprijin de control al debitului Da
Port "in oglindă' Da
Agregare Link Da
Control trafic de date (date nedorite sau flood) Da
Client DHCP Da
Server DHCP Da
Spionaj IGMP Da
Spanning protocol de copac Da
Sprijin VLAN Da
Mărimea tabelei de adresare 128000 intrari
Capacitatea de comutare 1280 Gbit/s
Rată de transfer 952 Mpps
Timp de așteptare (10 Gbps) 1,5 µs
Jumbo suportã frame-uri Da
Listă de Control Acces (ACL) Da
SSH / suport SSL Da
De tip Switch Managed network switch
Strat Switch L3
Acceptate Quality of Service (QoS) Da
Gestionare pe baza de Web Da
Raft pentru montat echipamente Da
Culoarea produsului Gri
Factorul de formă 1U
Power over Ethernet (PoE) Suport Nu
Care pot fi stivuite Da
Memorie internă 2048 Mega bites
Tipul de memorie SDRAM
Memorie volatilă 512 Mega bites
Memorie buffer packete 9 Mega bites

* Specificațiile tehnice si descrierile pot fi modificate fără preaviz de către producător.

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