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Hewlett Packard Enterprise AK379A, 256-bit AES, 2U, Negru, 20 - 80%, 10 - 35 °C, -30 - 60 °C

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Descriere HPE AK379A

Hewlett Packard Enterprise AK379A. Algoritmul de securitate suportat: 256-bit AES, Întretimp între eşecuri: 100000 h. Factorul de formă: 2U, Culoarea produsului: Negru. Dimensiuni(LxAxI): 271 x 589 x 987 milimetri, Greutate: 22,9 kilograme

The HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Libraries meet demanding storage requirement of businesses needing unattended backup, disaster recovery, or archive capability. The MSL Libraries offer a broad choice of storage capacity and interfaces with LTO-5, LTO-4, or LTO-3 Ultrium tape drives. Web-based remote management makes the MSL Libraries easily managed from across the room or across the globe, eliminating the need for remote office IT staff. Quickly and simply manage the tape media both in and out of the library with the standard bar code reader, configurable mail slots, and multiple 12-slot removable magazines. If a tape were lost or stolen, protect important business data from unauthorized access with the library-based encryption option. Library investment and uncertain data growth are easily managed with MSL accessory kits. Quickly increase capacity and/or performance with tool-free drive upgrades, slot license capacity upgrades, or library expandability.

Easy to Manage and Use
• HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Libraries offer a wide range of capacity points from 9.6 TB to 288 TB of compressed storage capacity in a variety of rack ready form factors.

Protection and Flexibility
• Native encryption on LTO-5 and LTO-4 MSL Libraries provide the highest level of security for strong backup data privacy to secure confidential information and address compliance regulations. The MSL Encryption Kit will provide secure keys to protect your backup independent of ISV application.

Proven Reliability
• MSL Tape Libraries work with industry-leading servers, operating systems and backup software including HP Data Protector software. (

Specificații tehnice HPE AK379A

Dimensiuni(LxAxI) 271 x 589 x 987 milimetri
Greutate 22,9 kilograme
Interval relativ operaţional de umiditate 20 - 80%
Interval de temperatură de funcţionare (T-T) 10 - 35 °C
Intervalul de temperatură pentru depozitare -30 - 60 °C
Gama de stocare umiditate relativă 20 - 90%
Factorul de formă 2U
Culoarea produsului Negru
Algoritmul de securitate suportat 256-bit AES
Număr sloturi (max) 24
Întretimp între eşecuri 100000 h

* Specificațiile tehnice si descrierile pot fi modificate fără preaviz de către producător.

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