Cereti Detalii
  • Cod produs: C7975A
  • Producător: HPE
  • Categorie: Tape Media/Supplies
  • Aparut din: 20.04.2015
  • Garanție: Maxim 5 ani

HPE C7975A

Hewlett Packard Enterprise C7975A, LTO, Albastru, 10 - 45 °C, 10 - 80%, 20 - 60%

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Descriere HPE C7975A

Hewlett Packard Enterprise C7975A. Capacitatea originală: 1500 Giga Bites, Tipul de bandă: LTO, Capacitate compresată: 3000 Giga Bites. Culoarea produsului: Albastru. Mărimea benzii: 1,27 cm, Lungimea benzii: 846 m, Grosime Tape: 6,4 µm

HP LTO-5 Ultrium media offers the best capacity/performance ratio of any tape technology, with terabyte-class capacity and performance. It has almost double the capacity and offers faster performance compared to LTO-4 Ultrium, with built-in encryption capability and a Write Once Read Many (WORM) option - with no performance overhead. It can write or read data at a blistering 1 TB/hour, storing, encrypting and protecting up to 3 TB on a single cartridge, making it the big hitter in large-scale, 24x7, mission-critical IT environments.Standardizing on HP LTO-5 Ultrium delivers the capacity to meet shrinking backup windows, industry-standard, AES 256-bit encryption (IEEE1619.1), and interchangeable RW or WORM media, without extra space or IT resource overhead.

Highest Capacity and Performance of any Comparable Tape Technology
• HP LTO-5 Ultrium can write or read data at a blistering 1 TB/hour, storing, encrypting and protecting up to 3 TB on a single cartridge, making it the big hitter in large-scale, 24x7, mission-critical IT environments.

• Superior 'smart grabber' mechanism and mechanical interlock to prevent the leader pin from being pulled inside the tape housing. Sensors detect proper connection and prevent leader loss that would ruin the tape.

• Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) version provides tamperproof, compliant data storage.

Foarte rentabil
• Standardizing on HP LTO-4 or LTO-5 Ultrium delivers the capacity to meet shrinking backup windows, industry-standard, AES 256-bit encryption (IEEE1619.1), and interchangeable RW or WORM media; without extra space or IT resource overhead.

Specificații tehnice HPE C7975A

Mărimea benzii 1,27 cm
Lungimea benzii 846 m
Grosime Tape 6,4 µm
Greutate 270 g
Interval de temperatură de funcţionare (T-T) 10 - 45 °C
Interval relativ operaţional de umiditate 10 - 80%
Gama de stocare umiditate relativă 20 - 60%
Culoarea produsului Albastru
Capacitatea originală 1500 Giga Bites
Tipul de bandă LTO
Capacitate compresată 3000 Giga Bites
Durabilitate Tape 1000000 pass(es)
Banda de viaţă 30 An(i)
Densitate de înregistrare 384,6 kbit/inch

* Specificațiile tehnice si descrierile pot fi modificate fără preaviz de către producător.

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